What They do

What we do

Others reuse outdated clay crock drainage systems. This creates clogging and inefficiencies over time.

We not only remove all old drain system crock tiles and replace the whole system with up to date materials, we also blow out all under floor drains and “tee’s” with high pressure water to insure proper drainage.

They only cover the drain with 18″-24″ of stone, and then backfill the remaining hole with 4′-5′ feet of clay, dirt, or sand, the same material that expanded and contracted with the ground moisture and cracked the basement walls to begin with.

We backfill all of our waterproofing holes with 90%-100% pea stone. This also insures fast draining so that water doesn’t have time to sit on your newly sealed walls, plus it helps to minimize the expanding and contracting motion of the surrounding ground.

Our competitors push indoor systems as a primary fix. This is a bypass, not a fix. A competent drain system is meant to keep the water where it belongs, on the outside.

We like to supply our customers with options, and indoor systems are a last resort measure. Whether it’s an interior or exterior system we lay out all of your options for your particular situation.

Indoor system turn your home into a work zone. It’s loud, and dusty, inside and out. There is increased cause of furnace contamination when the proper protocols aren’t followed.

Our exterior systems are not only a better solution, they assure that you and your family avoid being around hazardous work zones and removes the potential of breathing hazardous material.

Other companies promote “patented systems,” but the only thing they have patented is slick sales techniques to get your money faster.

We know the right way is usually the hard way, and that is a fact in waterproofing and foundation repair. We stand by good old fashioned hard work and ingenuity.

Why Homeowners Prefer Dryline

Root-Cause Fixes: Exterior-first philosophy ensures water stays outside, minimizing future risks.

Tailored Solutions: Every home is evaluated individually, offering the right fix for specific needs.

Professional Workmanship: Avoids unnecessary disruption while ensuring durable, lasting repairs.

Comprehensive Options: Interior waterproofing is only offered when exterior solutions are impractical.